A Word on Eye Level

Many times in illustration we need to draw several subjects and objects in one scene. One mistake I have seen even the pros make is having multiple eye levels in one piece. What’s the big deal, you say? Well if your entire scene has the same perspective then eye level should be the same across […]

Another Win Another DD

Surely one of these days someone is going to say something about how many DD’s (daily deviation features) I’ve accrued. I’m up to 4 already as of today and it won’t be long before people have had enough of me, I’m sure! =p My failed FEZ contest entry held by Deviant Art was chosen for […]

The Secret to good lighting- Beyond the Darkness

I have decided to enter the ImagineFX monthly challenge with the theme of “Beyond the Darkness”. Along my journey of creating this piece I have pushed myself and have seen the fruits of my labors. You too can learn the secret to good lighting. Several ideas popped into my head for this great theme and […]

Some Yummy Concept Art

A recent speed painting concept of mine: As I have begun building up an illustration/concept art portfolio, I have wondered, what makes a good concept art piece? Concept art in and of itself is vastly different than illustration. As an artist is it sometimes good to have a solid grasp of both. From my research […]

I’m Back!! DAZ Studio and W.I.P. Podcast

Sorry for the long absence. I switched over to deviantart as my main art account for a while but I am back. I’ll be posting art and links to great resources on here as I continue to build my art portfolio and find useful links. Speaking of which, there’s a great group of artists who […]